Good question…

Why should I use a buyers agent?

You should consider engaging the services of a buyers agent or ‘advocate’ if you fall into any of the following categories:

  • I lack experience in buying property

  • I don’t know the local area very well

  • I’m not great at negotiation

  • I’ve seen what’s around and I’m looking to see if there is anything else available

  • I find real estate agents difficult to deal with

  • I want someone to manage the whole process for me

  • I want everything kept confidential

Do you really have access to properties that aren’t advertised?

Yes we can access many properties that – for a number of reasons – are either quietly listed or completely hidden from the general public

Do you receive kick-backs or commissions from other parties?

No. And we never will. We’re 100% independent – in every way. We believe commission payments skew the advice consultants give. We don’t accept commissions so our advice is only ever about what’s best for our client – no one else

Do you ever have competing clients?

No, we don’t take on clients with exactly the same property brief and budget

Our agreement with our clients covers negotiation, carrying out the due diligence on the property and securing it – as well as the initial sourcing. Finding the property is just one part of the service we offer. So, in this instance – our fees would still apply.

What if I’ve engaged you and then I find a property myself?

12 months

How long is the agency agreement?

No, we will continue to show you options that answer the brief until we find the right one for you

Is there a limit on the number of properties I can see?

Of course you can. At BuyEast we’re realists and we understand that as you are shown what’s available you may decide to adjust your criteria including budget or search area. This is about the journey towards the right property for you – and we know that sometimes that road can be a little winding

Can I change my brief during the process?

Yes, you can end the Agency Agreement by giving us written notice 7 days in advance. In these situations, a termination fee will be incurred

Can I terminate my Agency Areement with you?

Is there a minimum spend on a property when using a buyers agent?

There is no minimum spend – we have helped buyers land everything from studio apartments to large, prestige houses. We believe everyone should have access to our help – regardless of how much they want to spend on their property.