Did you get caught out of the property market with this unexpected lockdown?

This time last year we were just emerging from the last lockdown, the expectations were that the property market would take a dive. However, even those not in search would have come across a headline or two stating the unbelievable growth that we have seen, especially in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. Therefore, the same question remains, when is the right time to buy?

Whilst we have seen a drop in the number of new properties coming to market in the last few weeks, it does not necessarily correlate with the lockdown that we find ourselves in. The winter months, along with school holidays is often a quieter time in real-estate, but the industry never stops. There are still vendors wanting or even needing to sell.

After coming out of the last lockdown, we quickly got used to being able to bounce from inspection to inspection. With the freedom to bring the whole family along and inspect as many or as few places, the property hunt was an exciting one. The process now has become much more daunting, not only must you book and schedule in your own inspections, but there are new and evolving restrictions to follow. As an essential service, the need for a buyers’ agent during these times could not be more valuable.

How can our Buyers’ Agents help you during this lockdown?

The first thing is simply getting through the door. Access may be difficult but if a vendor has a property to sell, it means they need a buyer. Ideally a qualified buyer, with approved finance who is ready to move. Being represented by a buyers’ agent presents you as just that. Not only will we schedule and organise inspections for on-market properties on your behalf, but we will also open pre-market & off-market opportunities that might otherwise be on hold for a few weeks, or even months, due to the lockdown.

As the lockdown continues to be extended across Sydney, confidence in the market starts to flatten out, if not even begin to decrease. Already we have started to see auctions getting pushed back, vendors concerned about what price they might get during this time. We, however, see this as the perfect opportunity to conduct negotiations, and ultimately with reduced competition and the fear of the unknown, we know and understand the market and are here to help support those buyers who do not want to miss out.

So here we are again, amidst another lockdown where we now know there is an end in sight. When we come out of this, do you want to be another underbidder on your first, second, third even forth property – or would you prefer to have a buyers’ agent on your side?

Be in touch and we will be in contact ASAP.

We are available 7 days a week to discuss how we can be of assistance to you.


Our office

We are always on the road and will come to see you. Alternatively we can have a Covid friendly Zoom meeting!

T +61 (0)2 8006 8835

E info@buyeast.com.au